Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ice, Ice, Baby!

So I did the above just as a means to show off my new Flash and Captain Cold figures, but it turns out scientists have "found" a chunk of Arctic ice the size of California! Apparently, the satellite that was measuring the polar ice cap was slowly deteriorating, sending back increasingly inaccurate measurements.

Hey, maybe that's why the ice shelf in Antarctica keeps growing! 'Cause, after all, the "debate" is over!


  1. I prefer my political commentary and action figure comics separate, thank you very much! >:(

  2. I'm not allowed to say bad things about Bindi Irwin, I'm not allowed to criticize Al Gore!

    They can't *all* be Mola Ram standing around shouting "Kali Ma!" ya know! :P

  3. Why not? I think that's a great format! ;)
